Research shows that families are the single largest influence, intentionally or unintentionally, on children’s career decisions. As youth today begin to consider their career options, they often look to their families for career advice. The approach taken by families in supporting career exploration can inspire youth to broadly investigate and consider many types of opportunities. Alternatively, because opinions and values are initially established within the context of the family, youth may decide to limit their focus on career pursuits to those that would be considered acceptable or would receive approval from the family.
Because we live in an ever-evolving world, families need to critically examine how they support their youth and increase their knowledge about careers to ensure they are in tune with what is expected and needed in today’s labour market. The digital age has transformed today’s workplace which may mean there have been dramatic changes since family members first entered the workforce. This will require family members to adapt and consider new perspectives that includes an understanding of skills needed to enter and succeed in the world of work. To learn more about what some employers and career advisors have to say about the importance of skills in their workplaces, watch this video.
In 2021, the government of Canada introduced a Skills for Success framework.
It is important that skills as well as Labour Market Information shape these career conversations. Today’s labour market and skills required for the workplace are quickly changing. This in turn means that the types of support and conversations youth need and have must also change. Some guiding thoughts for family members to consider when thinking about their role as a key member of a job seeker’s support system include:
Click on your province to be taken directly to the provincial website for Labour Market Information. To access federal Labour Market Information found on the Government of Canada website, click here.