Your Skills for Success Checklist

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“Skills for Success provide Canadians with everyday skills needed for work, learning and life. Improving them will help you succeed in today’s and tomorrow’s workplace”.


In 2021, the Government of Canada launched a new Skills for Success framework to support workers in understanding the skills needed to prepare for a workplace in a quickly changing world. In developing an updated and modernized skills framework, the research showed the need for not only updating the skills found in the Essential Skills model but also drew attention to the importance of addressing social-emotional skills that could not easily be replaced by technology. 

By including this new focus on social emotional skills, the framework could be more explicit and intentional in prioritizing the “importance of resiliency in the workplace, adaptability, planning and organization, stress management, and openness to learning to successfully navigate and advance in the labour market .

The updated framework also placed increased emphasis on the importance of numeracy and literacy as data driven processes have become more prevalent in our everyday lives from home to community to work.  

Nine key skills are defined and described in this framework. Through the redefining of the Essential Skills model and launching of the new Skills for Success framework, it was determined that several criteria needed to be met so that all users and stakeholders would feel supported. This meant that when identifying and describing the skills, the skills needed to be:

Assessable - all skills in the framework should be framed and constructed in a way that they are demonstrable and can be assessed quantitatively or qualitatively.

Broadly Recognized - all skills in the framework and the creation of the framework must be informed by Canadian and international adult skills frameworks, reflecting recent developments in the field.

Durable or Enduring - all skills in the framework should be responsive to evolving labour market needs.

Flexible and Inclusive - all skills in the framework should reflect the diversity of lived experiences of Canadians, emphasizing inclusivity.

Teachable and Learnable - all skills should align with the learning objectives and contexts of employment training.

Work-focused and Transferable - all skills in the framework should be applicable to the majority of occupations in the Canadian labour market as well as in non work contexts.


To read the full report and learn about these criteria and the process taken to develop the Skills for Success framework, go to “Research report to support the launch of Skills for Success: Structure, evidence, and recommendations”.

To hear what employers in Atlantic Canada have to say about the skills that are needed in their employees, watch this video.


Additional resources can be found in the resource sections of each of the website pages for Families, Secondary Education and Post-Secondary Education.



Click on your province to be taken directly to the provincial website for Labour Market Information. To access federal Labour Market Information found on the Government of Canada website, click here.


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